It is truly strange the way many people treat their health in modern society. For example, often times people will wait until the last minute to go to the hospital or seek treatment. As long as the affliction is a hidden one, without a visual component, many people resist any sort of treatment until they are literally in the hospital in critical condition. People don't wait with exterior altering conditions - they seek treatment aggressively the moment the first symptoms manifest, and pursue additional treatments with serious energy.
One might think that this can be attributed to people being too wrapped up in external appearances; however, it is important to note that acne can have serious psychological side effects on the bearer. Afflictions without a physical manifestation, or with a physical effect that cannot be easily hidden, serve as both intense reminders that something is very wrong and as humiliating public signs. Nobody likes the whole world to know their personal secrets - we all defend our privacy ferociously. Ironically this means we often treat harmless afflictions - like acne - with more energy and attention than more serious problems. Acne isn't deadly, or even harm you seriously in any way, as a rule, yet people are always willing to spend money, time, and energy pursuing spotless skin.
Of course, another aspect of this phenomenon is the fact that with acne, unlike a lot of other afflictions, you can, in fact, achieve your goal. Almost anyone suffering from acne can actually treat it using Accutane.
Accutane is an extremely effective treatment for acne of any degree. It is usually reserved for the most difficult cases that have proven impossible to resolve with any other treatments or simple lifestyle adjustments. This is due to the side effects that users of Accutane will experience. These are rare and can usually be resolved easily enough, but they must be considered soberly by anyone who seeks spotless skin by using this medication.
'Spotless' is, of course, a variable term. Most people never have literally spotless skin. We all bear imperfections, whether they are birthmarks or scars, or the occasional patch of dry skin or shine. Nobody is ever truly spotless and yet it remains a real goal for people. When someone with acne says they are striving for spotless skin they typically don't mean it in an unrealistic way, but simply that they want to see improvement. Any significant reduction in the amount or intensity of acne on their faces and bodies would be a blessing for them.
Achieving this with Accutane is possible, but people suffering from acne must be ready to follow the very strict guidelines they will be given when they begin a regimen of the medication. These instructions will be very specific and must be adhered to perfectly. Those who are tempted to increase dosage or rate of consumption in order to speed things along should be aware that it can be very dangerous to do so - and, most importantly, can compromise the medication's effectiveness. Always follow a doctor's instructions when treating acne - and spotless skin can be a reality for you as well.