Along with having an excellent driving record, purchasing a compact car is a great way to save money on your car insurance quotes. Insurers recognize the stiff competition in the auto industry and are always reviewing existing policies, as well as prospecting for new clients. Various discounts are given based on the customer profile, and some are very generous. Typically, the standard demographic information such as address, age, employment and credit information are basic indicators of an average car insurance premium. However, there are factors that can alter the premium price. The largest variable is the type of car being insured.
Compact cars are amongst the cheapest to insure, for many reasons. Because of the size, maneuverability is fairly easy, making accidents more avoidable. Likewise, parking compact cars is much easier than large trucks or vans, and even mid-sized sedans. Since there is little chance of parking-lot or side-street damage by anonymous drivers who fail to take responsibility, comprehensive car insurance quotes for compact cars is generally affordable. One misnomer about compact cars is the actual size, inside and out.
While the exterior is smaller than most family sedans, there is still plenty of interior space for storage, light cargo and leg room. Some consumers equate compact with "mini" and believe that this type of car would not be suitable for more than one person. However many young drivers and small families actually prefer the compact car to its larger counterpart. Most compact cars have back seats that can comfortably fit two adults and a child, or three children. The accommodations for minis and sub-compact cars are more appropriate for single drivers, or to be used as a second vehicle for a family.
Young professionals, new drivers, and drivers concerned about emission output are likely to choose a compact car for their general purposes. Aside from the affordable sticker price and discounted car insurance quotes, compact cars also offer exceptional fuel economy. This savings combination makes compact cars very attractive to parents buying a car for their teenager, and for the middle-aged worker whose job has just been downsized. In a tightening economy, it is very common for families to consider making cutbacks to the household budget. One of the most obvious ways to save money is to sell an extra car, request new car insurance quotes, or simply trade in a larger model for a more economical compact model.
Car insurance companies are certainly trying to assist families with the task of finding ways to save money on the transportation portion of the household budget. By offering discounts for safe drivers, multiple cars and combining home and auto insurance policies, agencies can supply the lowest possible quotes. The research involved in providing amended quotes often results in saving consumers quite a bit of money over the course of the policy.
So, whether you are considering a new car or just a new car insurance policy, take your time and do the appropriate research to find your best price. Keep in mind that many insurers offer loyalty and referral bonuses.